Post your work online for long enough (a day, for example) and you are bound to get an email requesting to use your images for free. This situation is a mixed bag in the sense that it’s always nice to know folks like your work but frustrating to know that they don’t love it enough…
Brian Hirschy Photography Blog
Phottix has been putting out some great stuff lately, specifically the Odin system recently released for Nikon. Last year I picked up a set of their (yet to be released at the time) triggers and receivers. Four office moves, three new apartments, a move to a new country, and having a child delayed me from…
I’m happy to have my good friend and cohort, Matt Brandon, on the blog today talking about our last Tibet workshop together. We at Plateau Photo Tours are excited to have Matt back again this year from what will be an amazing trip. We spent a little time discussing our experience in Tibet and decided…
This Monday I’m excited to kick off what I’m calling Mini Story Monday. The simple goal of MSM is to tell a story in just a few short paragraphs – an ongoing attempt to break down any story to it’s bare essentials. Telling better stories requires telling stories. And that’s my aim ___ In early…
2012 was a long year. 366 days I’m told. That extra day seemed a lot longer than a day, yeah? I’m glad to see it end and eagerly looking forward to what 2013 has in store . Nonetheless, here is a non-sensical, non-sequential, non-thought-out bunch of images from my 2012. I literally went through month…
MERRY GIFMAS, ER’BODY! Yesterday I invited some of my friends from around the area to join me in the studio for the first Annual ‘Merry Gifmas’ photo shoot. I knew it would be fun, but wow – things got crazy. What you see below you is a straight up gif party. It was wonderful to…
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It gives me the greatest of joys to introduce you all to my son, Andrew Ray Hirschy. I couldn’t be more proud. Andrew was born on October 18th and 8:22pm. He was 6 lbs 10 oz and 21 inches long… and immediately blew my world to pieces in the best way possible. I’ve been to…
Fall is hands down my favorite season. Living in western China we rarely experience a typical fall. The altitude, brutally cold climate, and lack of trees conspire together to make Autumn a season that basically doesn’t exist. Skipping fall every year can be a huge bummer. But not this year. The falling leaves, brilliant colors,…
A few of posts back (Lights & Shadows, Colors & Shapes) some folks mentioned that they’d enjoy seeing some of the images in print. I happened to agree. I love printing. Any photographer will tell you that seeing their work in print is always special. Bringing an image from the abstract (often digital) into the concrete world…