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I love shooting live events because it combines a few things I love – good music, good speakers, and photography.  Listed here are a few events between 2011 and 2013.  Some of the Groups/People include: Death Cab for Cutie JOHNNYSWIM Kid President Emmitt Smith Sleeping At Last Propaganda Dave Ramsey David Crowder Brené Brown Jon…

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From the second my wife bought me an old Kodak Duaflex camera, I started to try to incorporate it in the studio. Over the years I’ve had some great shoots just shooting through that big, bright prism viewfinder those old cameras had.  The productions have gotten bigger and bigger, and then to see it through…

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After years in China it was safe to say I stopped noticing a lot of things.  Events that had once been amazing no longer held my attention.  They became commonplace.  The images that filled my catalog changed drastically from year to year as things became “less interesting.” There was one constant, however: XiangQi, or Chinese…

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In the below paragraphs it’s my desire to make one thing clear, I’m personally trying to digest Boston.  I’m by no means trying to establish a moral high ground, or morality at all.  I’m trying to not speak in broad terms, also. I also realize the timing of this post and the possible perceived audacity….

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