About once a year I head over to one of our cities Daoist/Taoist temples for a visit and a look around. The place is fantastic for so many reasons. Mostly it’s the people amazing people. I’m such a sucker for interacting with people. Religion in western China is a blend of just about everything. For example, at a monastery like this you will find symbols and practices that fall more squarely into Tibetan Buddhism and simple animism than Taoism. These contradictions make it worth an annual visit.
For now, I simply wanted to share these images. There are some amazing stories in here that I’ll share in the next few days. Really hope you enjoy.
*just fyi, that’s literally the cutest little girl I’ve ever seen in my life.
I can’t wait to tell you guys about the stories that go along with these images. Please be patient with me – pregnant wife plus about 11 hours a day of backlogged work has got a brother down!